Mull Murmur 7 (Click HERE for Printer Friendly Format)- published on the island, during the event by Jaggy Bunnet MullMurmurs – Chapter 7 Provisional Leaderboard after 16 (of 19 stages): 1 Calum
Duffy/Del Duffy (Ford Escort MkII) 2 Hr 01 Mins 52
Secs Survivors are now into the final three stages of this year’s 35th Philips Tour of Mull Rally. Calum and Del Duffy still lead but opted for a cautious drive through the long 22 miler before popping in a quick one over Mishnish Lochs just to let the pursuit know they’re still in charge. Calum is still worried about low oil pressure but reckons he knows the cause. A leak in the dry sump system was allowing it to draw air so the system wasn’t pressurising properly. It’s still not right but seems to be holding up. James MacGillivray is holding station in second place after resolving his earlier turbo problems with John Cope opening up a slight gap on Tony Bardy. Daniel Harper is still fifth despite hitting a rock in the long one. He eased up for a couple of miles to make sure nothing was wrong before putting the hammer down again. However, bad news for Eddie O’Donnell fans, the SalenSilver.Com Escort spotted parked up half way through the long one and Mick Briant is parked up there too, remember he had head gasket problems earlier on. John Swinscoe opted for too soft a tyre and was sliding around a lot losing time while Paul Kirtley is ignoring his earlier problems and just enjoying himself: “If you don’t enjoy that long one – you shouldn’t be here!” David Taylor is 8th but Billy Bird is back in the top ten and Martin Healer is happier with his Ford now that it has stopped setting fire to itself although it sprayed ‘active’ fluid over the windscreen and smeared it half way through the longest stage of the rally! It would appear that Neil MacKinnon’s retirement was caused by an over oil-filled Subaru rather than a major engine problem, but this has still to be confirmed. Denis Biggerstaff finished those two stages annoyed with himself: “I forgot to turn the ‘active’ on!” Keith Hall is happier with his Subaru now that he’s got a new driveshaft and wheelbearing fitted and Mark Durham’s Corsa needs a change of plugs after getting all hot and bothered in those two stages. Dave Thwaites was lucky to spot that someone left the oil filler cap off after service: “I saw the smoke and stopped in time” and Mike Storrar got his panhard rod welded up at Eddie O’Donnell’s workshop this afternoon – Nice one Eddie! Mike Chadwick broke his exhaust and John Paterson is worried about his 1300 class lead having had to stop and change a punctured tyre in the 22 miler. Crum Willcock has fitted Curly Haigh’s spare gearbox (now that Curly won’t need it – his Escort parked upside down out there!) and Robert Mathieson’s Sunbeam is still going despite an argument with a bridge parapet. Keep up to date with: www.2300club.org and tune in to Oban FM on 103.3. Yer auld pal, Jaggy Bunnet, Riverside, Tobermory, 11.30 pm Saturday. |