Mull Murmur 4- published on the island, during the event by Jaggy Bunnet MULLMURMURS, Chapter 4 Provisional leaderboard after SS7 (of 20) 1 Harper/Campbell (Mitsubishi Lancer) 45 mins 57 secs The 33rd Philips Tour of Mull Rally has a new leader. Daniel
Harper has taken over at the top of the leaderboard after Dougi Hall took a dive
in the new stage at Ardtun. Apparently this is one of the slippiest tests of the night, even worse than
Gribun. Dougi and Gareth are OK and the car is only a couple of feet from the
edge of the road – but parked vertically on a banking! Harper presently has a lead of just over half a minute from ten times Tour
winner Neil MacKinnon who is now getting to grips with the Subaru: “I’m just
going away steady,” he said, “and the times are coming.” That’s a threat
if ever I heard one! But then again, look at Callum Duffy’s times. So far the
red and yellow Escort is holding its own after its earlier troubles and Duffy
has moved up to third. Moving into fourth place is Tony Cope. The earlier throttle jamming open
problem has now been fixed, it was the cable itself which was sticking. But a word of caution dear reader, please note that these times are very
provisional, some of the later numbers are running very quickly and could well
post better times. Mark Durham for instance in the Corsa Kit Car and Dave Taylor
in a Mitsubishi were in the top ten after three stages, but the running order on
Saturday should help to improve bulletin efficiency! It looks like Robin Hamilton failed to make SS1. The Metro was having
alternator troubles even before the rally start … Rob Davies has a problem,
TCA? … Mark Jasper also has a front end problem … Stuart McQueen doesn’t
have full wets, only intermediates and reckons: “It’s scary out there!”
Amen to that. That’s yer lot for now, more later, |