The Cars
1st: Callum Duffy & Hugh Duffy - Evolution VI |
2nd: Neil MacKinnon & Mike Stayte - Subaru Impreza |
3rd: Andy Knight & Graham Noble - RS 2000 F2 Kit Car |
4th: Daniel Harper & Daniel Barritt - Astra Sport |
5th: John Cressey & Ian Grindrod - Astra HRS |
6th: John & Paula Swinscoe - Escort Mark II 1998 |
7th: Stuart McQueen & Alistair Green - Evolution V |
8th: Roger Binyon & Nick Bray - Evolution VI |
9th: James MacGillivray & Brian Kennedy - Corsa 1600 |
10th: Mark Jasper & Alan Snell - Escort Cosworth |
11th: Steve Davies & Lesley Hastie - Escort III 2000 |
12th: Chris & Jo Tooze |
The People

"The weather forecast is fog clearing to reveal the
monsoon!! |
"With a little help, this will fall off the back of a
lorry" |
"Fast right out of the Mish, K left by the bank, fell
over by the Mac!!" |
"Eyes down!...6 and 2, Clickety duck!!" |
"Do you think it could be twins??" |
"I'm telling you, his driveshaft was this big" |
"Wearing a loud hat in a built up area is a £5 fixed
penalty!" |
"Word - 5 letters, beginning and ending in T, meaning -
to egg on" |
Duffy's - Mark I, Mark II & Mark III |
"Itz iz folt am peshed, e cept byin mi drinx" |
"Pleeeeeeeeeeze Dad, can I borrow the car
to-night" |
"Rendrops keep fallin' on me ed" |
"Do you really think that 3 in the car is a good
idea?!" |
"I wish I wasn't here, these two are barking
mad!!" |
"I remember on the '69 Mull, it was 2s 3d a
gallon" |
"Noise test officials refuse to wear the latest ear
defenders" |



"I am absolutely knackered after Mull" |
"Well, you are not going back again until you have
decorated that back bedroom!!" |
" out for the speed camera down the long
one!!" |
"And I did it my way" (2000 Mix) |
"Acme hair restorer - apply liberally" |
"This should keep Taff going for another night" |
"The queue for the MacBrayne drive-through is as
popular as ever" |
"Forced induction with ground effect skirt..." |